Art & Creative Direction

In 2006 after nearly 15 years as a digital artist, I stepped out of my comfort zone and helped start THQ's External Development Group (XDG). I shifted my focus from building art assets to building outsourcing pipelines. 
While I was more comfortable working in Photoshop and Maya, I took the plunge into the world of Excel and PowerPoint and challenged myself to figure out a better way for development teams to outsource. To my surprise, I found just as much joy seeing art assets delivered from teams in China, India, the Philippines that I had a hand creating the process for. In many cases, not only were assets approved but were an improvement from those developed in-house. This was never met with alarm but with joy and inspiration.
While many of my peer-groups at the time tried to build an outsourcing one-stop-shop, I focused instead in implementing better communication and feedback techniques, as well as creating templates for technical documentation so development teams can hit the ground running. 
Below are samples of projects I managed and art directed through the years.
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