The unofficial launch video of the 7 Gates GTARG. This video clue was hidden deep inside this GT video. When Theorists dug into the page source they found a mysterious tag "UCVNTZJXAuvE3C7SfOsPNgEA" which was the page ID for a new YouTube channel named "Tenretni Olleh" or "Hello Internet" in reverse.

Running the video through a spectrogram analyzer reveals the entire Alien glyph alphabet.

The mysterious message posted to the Game Theory community tab. Running all the numbers through a HEX editor reveals the clue "RGB 254," which meant there was a clue hidden in the RGB value of 254,254,254. You can see the clue if you adjust the image's brightness and contrast. Try it yourself!
Video showing how to solve the "RGB254" clue on the left.

The Word Search Puzzle players find after deciphering the "You Are Prepared" video

The "red herring" word search players find if incorrectly deciphering the leading clue.

Once the Word Search is solved, it reveals this image entitled "Luck to Heaven" which is a loose translation of "Nintendo." This was meant to prepare players for the upcoming ARG, a creative way to explain the rules and how they would be scored.
The pen on the top right has a HEX code hidden underneath the barcode. The date on the phone was changed to reveal the exact date and time of the Gate 1 launch. The coins were also the seed to one of the Gate 1 clues. This image was created in Photoshop and the page notes were hand-illustrated in Procreate.
Intro video announcing the opening of Gate 2.

Players must cross out 21 names that were accumulated throughout the previous Keys.

When solved, the remaining red letters lead to: https://youtu.be/576bjygaMc8

01110100 = t 01101000 = h 01100101 = e 01110100 = t 01101000 = h 01100101 = e

01101111 = o 01110010 = r 01111001 = y 01110011 = s 01110100 = t 01101111 = o

01101110 = n 01100101 = e 00101110 = . 01100011 = c 01101111 = o 01101101 = m
Hover over the images above to reveal.

Click to download the Level 2 puzzle. Open the file in Photopea